Grazia LGGR-28


SKU: N/A Categories: ,


• hot cases: Bain Marie / Hot plate
• temperature up to +85°C
• electronic controller with temperature
indicator / for Bain Marie additionally
a mechanical thermometer at the air inlet
• feature of the heating element
– heating plate (for hot case) /
heating bath (for Bain Marie)
• lighting panel: IR heating lamp (for GSL)
• exposition: stainless steel H18
• external surfaces (front / base): zincplated steel, powder coated
• exposition on a full base

Technical data:

Modules 1250
Width* [mm] 1250
Depth* [mm] 1060
Height (±10 mm)* [mm] 1235
Total Display Area (TDA)* [m2] 0,56
Net capacity* [dm3] 172
GSL Hot-plate
GSL Bain-marie
BSA Hot-plate

* for version GSL Hot-plate


Additional settings:



Designation of the energy efficiency class is dedicated to a particular products, which are presented on the website. Indicated energy efficiency class depends on a module type, equipment, glassing version and type of a refrigerant. Amendment of each of the said parameters may cause amendment of the energy efficiency class. Contact the producer to acknowledge the energy efficiency class for the product with different parameters to those presented on the website.


Additional information
